Over the years, a number of basic income pilots have been conducted, social experiments which involved unconditionally giving out money to people (the precise sums given out varied from pilot to pilot) and then measuring the impact on society. Malcom Torry’s book Money For Everyone summarizes a great deal of evidence, from various pilot studies, which support the view that the social impacts of basic income are profoundly positive. Sarath Davala, Renana Jhabvala, Guy Standing and Sournya Kapoor,
Why I Founded Socibuild
My name is John McCone and I am the Founder and Director of Socibuild Ltd. I have been concerned about homelessness, poverty and damage to our environment for as long as I can remember. Since 2008, when a lot of my investments were seriously hit, I also became concerned about the unstable nature of our banking system. It is terrifying to think that global finance is built upon foundations that are so shaky the entire system could completely collapse at any time – but it is also true. All those